What We Believe
Word of Truth Church is a congregation of Christians who follow Jesus and His Word.
We are a Christ exalting, God-glorifying and gospel preaching congregation where the people of God are loved, challenged and built up to fulfill the God-given call on our lives.
Our primary goal is to see the glory of God manifested in our lives despite our weakness and sin by adhering to the classical definitions of the Christian gospel: faith in Christ alone, by His grace alone, for his glory alone, as defined by the Scripture alone.
We are non-denominational while holding to the Reformed confessions as to all essential doctrines except those that are paedo-baptistic, strict-cessationist, supralapsarian, non-separationist and pre-millennial. We believe that the sign gifts of the Apostolic era have essentially ceased but can still appear as God sovereignly wills for them to appear.
Our desire is to see the power of the Spirit-filled Christian life married to the richness of sound exegetical Biblical truth. We place a high priority on relationships, teaching, evangelism and discipleship, while being led and empowered by the Holy Spirit...a typical Sunday service would include blended musical worship, followed by a congregational prayer/sharing time, an expository sermon, bagel and coffee fellowship and then a discipleship class. We don't pass a plate or put pressure on anybody to participate in any aspect of our service; an offering box is available for those who would like to invest in the Kingdom of Heaven by giving to our church.
As an Evangelical Protestant church we affirm that God is externally existent in the three persons (or personalities) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yet they are one in essence and nature – thus the being of God is one. The Trinitarian nature of God is seen throughout scripture and throughout creation.
We affirm that God has revealed himself through creation, our conscience and in his Word. The only absolute and primary revelation is the Word of God. The Word of God is Jesus Christ who is the eternal Son of God and that he was incarnated through the miraculous virgin birth as the greatest revelation of God to his people and to be the complete and final atonement for the sins of his people, by dying on the cross as the only payment for their sins against God.
We affirm that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God in heaven making intercession for his people, yet the Word of God is still with us in the “God-breathed” 66 books of the Bible. These books are fully, verbally inspired in their original writings and properly interpreted, the Bible includes all a person needs to understand correct doctrine and practice.
We affirm that mankind is born dead in their sins and trespasses and apart from the mercy and grace of God regenerating their dead hearts, they will perish under the wrath of God for the sin they committed in Adam and in their individual lives.
We affirm that salvation is a gift of God given to those who are regenerate by the power of the Holy Spirit whereby the Spirit gives that person the repentance and faith necessary to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Upon receiving Christ, the believer is incorporated into the Body of Christ and is eternally wed to Christ as his bride.
We affirm that Jesus Christ will return bodily for a second coming into this world to raise the dead saints bodies from the dead and to rapture His people who are alive at the time he comes through the sky to greet his people. At the end of this world, all true believers in Christ will enjoy the presence of God in the eternal New Earth and in the New Jerusalem, while unbelievers will face the full wrath of God in hell commensurate to the measure of sin they have committed, ultimately being realized in their eternal destruction.
“He who knew no sin, became sin for us so we could become the righteousness of God in Him.”
Our Membership in the wider body of christ…
Spurgeon's Fellowship